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inside the
the joker
Murray Franklin, favorite comedian
Randall, a colleague
Foster mom,
Subway guys,
made fun of me on his show, said I wasn't funny
set me up at work, bullied and taunted me
she didn't believe in me, didn't believe I could be really funny
they sang too falsely to have the right to live....
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a comedian and people laughed at me.
none of them
society raised a madman
The story of how
Murray Franklin,
favorite comedian
Randall, a colleague
Foster mom,
Subway guys,
made fun of me on his show, said I wasn't funny
set me up at work, bullied and taunted me
she didn't believe in me, didn't believe I could be really funny
they sang too falsely to have a right to live...
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a comedian and people laughed at me.
them laugh
none of
society raised a madman
The story of how
Name: Joker
Race: human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Gotham City
Occupation: terrorist, serial killer, supervillain, comedian
Parents: unknown
Hair Color: Poison Green
is charged:
Weapons: gun, knives, poison, explosives
Character: crazy, confident, aggressive, leader
For the murder of three young men in a subway car, for killing his own mother Penny Fleck, the murder of co-worker Randall with an edged weapon. He is also charged for murdering of a talk show host Murray Franklin on live television, and inciting and participating in a riot in Gotham that resulted in widespread destruction and numerous casualties.
Peculiarities: wears clown makeup
Name: Arthur Fleck

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Gotham City
Occupation: entertainer, failed comedian
Parents: Penny Fleck
Hair color: brown

Weapon: gun
Character: shy, stiff, awkward
Suffers from uncontrollable fits of laughter in awkward situations, does not respond to his real name, thinks he is the Joker, who makes funny jokes and brings joy to the masses by making others feel bad.
Psychological disorders: pseudobulbar syndrome (PBA)
special features:
Name: Joker
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Gotham City
Occupation: terrorist, serial killer, comedian
Parents: unknown
Hair Color: Poison Green
Weapons: gun, knives, poison, explosives
Character: crazy, confident, aggressive, leader
For the murder of three young men in a subway car, for killing his own mother Penny Fleck, the murder of co-worker Randall with an edged weapon. He is also charged for murdering of a talk show host Murray Franklin on live television, and inciting and participating in a riot in Gotham that resulted in widespread destruction and numerous casualties.
is charged:
Peculiarities: wears clown makeup
Name: Arthur Fleck
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Gotham City
Occupation: Entertainer, failed comedian
Parents: Penny Fleck
Hair color: brown
Weapon: gun
Character: shy, stiff, awkward
Suffers from uncontrollable fits of laughter in awkward situations, does not respond to his real name, thinks he is the Joker, who makes funny jokes and brings joy to the masses by making others feel bad.
Psychological disorders: pseudobulbar syndrome (PBA)
Special features:
My name used to be Arthur Fleck. My mother, Penny, always said I was born to bring joy and laughter to people. As a child, she would chain me to a radiator and her boyfriend would beat me up. That's when I learned to laugh to hide my pain. Laughter became my shield. Later I learned that she wasn't the person I thought she was. And even later I learned that I was adopted.
I was
when I wasn't the Joker
My name used to be Arthur Fleck. My mother, Penny, always said I was born to bring joy and laughter to people. As a child, she would chain me to a radiator and her boyfriend would beat me up. That's when I learned to laugh to hide my pain. Laughter became my shield. Later I learned that she wasn't the person I thought she was. And even later I learned that I was adopted.
i was
when I wasn't
the Joker
I always dreamed of bringing joy to the masses, but people never understood me. The world around me was a place full of slanted glances and disdain. I was a target for ridicule and beatings. People always wanted to make me laugh by hurting me.
You created
this evil..
Colleagues and work
They almost never laughed at my jokes, even though I tried so hard to make them funny. Once I brought a gun to a performance for the kids, but my superiors didn't appreciate the joke and I was fired.
Is that what it's really called? All I had was a sick mother, who happened to be my foster mom. That's probably why she never believed in me, never believed that I could become a real comedian... Though I always knew that I would become like Murray Franklin, whose show we watched every night.
I met a girl once. I felt like she was the only one who understood me without words. We went on dates, we were happy together, until... Until it turned out that relationships didn't exist. As it turned out, Sophie didn't even know me, and it was all just a game of my imagination.
I always dreamed of bringing joy to the masses, but people never understood me. The world around me was a place full of slanted glances and disdain. I was a target for ridicule and beatings. People always wanted to make me laugh by hurting me.
You created
this evil..
Colleagues and work.
They almost never laughed at my jokes, even though I tried so hard to make them funny. Once I brought a gun to a performance for the kids, but my superiors didn't appreciate the joke and I was fired.
Is that what it's really called? All I had was a sick mother, who happened to be my foster mom. That's probably why she never believed in me, never believed that I could become a real comedian... Though I always knew that I would become like Murray Franklin, whose show we watched every night.
I met a girl once. I felt like she was the only one who understood me without words. We went on dates, we were happy together, until... Until it turned out that relationships didn't exist. As it turned out, Sophie didn't even know me, and it was all just a game of my imagination.
I always dreamed of bringing joy to the masses, but people never understood me. The world around me was a place full of slanted glances and disdain. I was a target for ridicule and beatings. People always wanted to make me laugh by hurting me.
You created
this evil...
Colleagues and work
They almost never laughed at my jokes, even though I tried so hard to make them funny. Once I brought a gun to a performance for the kids, but my superiors didn't appreciate the joke and I was fired.
Is that what it's really called? All I had was a sick mother, who happened to be my foster mom. That's probably why she never believed in me, never believed that I could become a real comedian... Though I always knew that I would become like Murray Franklin, whose show we watched every night.
I met a girl once. I felt like she was the only one who understood me without words. We went on dates, we were happy together, until... Until it turned out that relationships didn't exist. As it turned out, Sophie didn't even know me, and it was all just a game of my imagination.
everything changed
The gun in my hands that my co-worker Randall gave me with the words “You have to defend yourself or you'll get screwed” changed everything. The fear was gone and I felt an all-encompassing power.
I picked it up
I remember that night on the subway! I was on my way home from work when these three men started abusing a girl. I laughed. Then they started laughing back, threw me on the ground and started beating me with their feet, humming this vile tune. My laughter became uncontrollable, annoying, and suddenly....
I pull out my gun.
THE First shot IS fear,
the second shot is surprise,
the third...
I remember that night on the subway! I was on my way home from work when these three men started abusing a girl. I laughed. Then they started laughing back, threw me on the ground and started beating me with their feet, humming this vile tune. My laughter became uncontrollable, annoying, and suddenly....
I pull out
my gun.
THE First shot IS fear,
the second shot is surprise,
the third...
IS pure pleasure
What have I done?
Am I the one in control of my destiny?
That's Life - Frank Sinatra
Why don't I feel guilty?
Why do I like it?
Maybe I've always been like this?
What's gonna happen next?
Who am I now?
Am I really free?
it's a comedy.
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize,
now is the chance to say
everyone the truth!
What a lucky coincidence: I got noticed! I got a long-awaited invitation to the Murray Franklin show, which I've been watching for so long. It's happened. I've become funny.

It's not just a show, but a real act of retribution and liberation.
“What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society who abandons him and treats him like trash? You get what you deserve.”
“What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society who abandons him and treats him like trash? You get what you deserve.”
I was arrested. But it wasn't for long. The crowd released me right out of the police car as if I were a fucking hero. I did my victory dance, savoring every moment of my triumph. The whole city saw my true face, and people followed me. The world finally recognized me.
world going crazy?
me... or is the
king of crime!
Long live the clown
Now I'm in a mental institution. But I assure you, it won't last long. I laugh talking to the doctor because it's a joke he will never understand. Society created me, and it has to pay for it. Villains are not born, they are created.
doctor's notes:
you wouldn't understand
That was a joke
Calls himself the Joker, denies his real identity. Lives in a fantasy world and constantly talks to himself. Refuses to take medication for his pseudobulbar syndrome from the beginning, insists that he can only be himself without it. Constantly tries to make jokes and makes many notes in his notebook. Most often they are about death, violence and suicide.
But it's only the start..
and I'll give it to it!
this city deserves better criminals.
harley quinn
killer croc
captain boomerang
partner in crime
A non-profit project within the framework of Tanya Stap's mentorship
*The Meta organization is banned in the Russian Federation
DAMN font was developed by Fisko Daria at the School of Design of the NRU HSE
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